type of shooting
What is exposure
Shutter speed is the time that the camera captures the image. When photographing, light is read using the camera’s matrix or using a film. When we do not take a picture, the film or matrix is closed by the shutter. During shooting, the shutter opens and the film or matrix receives an image from the lens. The amount of time until the shutter is open and there is an exposure.
No, the article is not about alcohol, the article is about the photographic concept of aging. Exposure is easy. In phones and digital cameras (soap dishes) there is no mechanical shutter as such. There, the shutter is the on / off matrix. But the principle of operation is fully preserved with the only difference, instead of raising the mirror and the shutter curtains, the soap dish matrix is simply updated. Now fashionable mirrorless cameras, for example Sony ILCE-7 do not have a mirror, but they have a real mechanical shutter, which gives that very nice click of the shutter.
What is the exposure measured Continue reading
What and how affects the photo?
1. Photographer – the main element during photography. If there weren’t a person, the camera wouldn’t turn on, would not be installed in the correct position near the model or landscape, would not focus and would not take a picture at all. The photographer manages the entire shooting process, he is fully responsible for the shooting process, is responsible for the result, and no go-ahead is acceptable. If someone called himself a photographer, he should be able to take pictures and get excellent results even on a phone, a soap dish and a tin can. And this requires much more than just picking up a camera and pressing a button.
But, of course, a person himself cannot control everything, because the next factor that affects the creation of photography, I will name the external factors. Continue reading