the less time
What is ISO and how to configure it
The ISO value is one of the most important settings when shooting, along with such values as shutter speed, aperture, and white balance. ISO is also often referred to as ISO sensitivity, ISO level, or simply the photosensitivity of a matrix or film.
Still, what is ISO in the settings of the camera?
ISO is a parameter indicating the level of sensitivity to light of its light-picking element (matrix or film). Basically indicate the limits of ISO for cameras (cameras). Although, the same parameter can be found not only on the camera, but, for example, on the flash. For a flash, a guide number is usually indicated when using one of the ISO values of 100, or 200. ISO sensitivity is indicated in special units of the ISO system. The ISO numeric expression itself can accept any integer expression from 1 to infinity. For example, on my SB-900, you can set the ISO from 1 (unit) to 12,500, and on my Nikon D40 you can set the ISO value from 200 to 1,600. Continue reading