Stop the time. Short exposure.
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Surrealistic portraits often suggest, fall into memory, represent something from another world or all together. Do you want your portraits to look surreal and at the same time exciting? Photographer Taya Ivanova shares several important (and most importantly, simple) tricks that you should remember about when shooting such frames.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography
Surrealistic portraits almost always make you think about the story behind the image. There are more questions than answers. But isn’t that the whole point of surrealism as such?

What is surreal photography?

Surrealism is an art form that focuses on elements as if from a dream. They can be fancy like Dali’s Elephants, or incredibly realistic like Justin Peters’ Cloud Whale. Despite the fact that these two examples are very different, they have the same characteristics. You will not find similar images in everyday life. However, they can make the viewer think and look at things from a different perspective.

Recreating dreams is a common technique in different genres of photography. But it is especially common in surreal portrait photography. When playing with model facial expressions, poses, or props, you can shoot stunning surreal portraits. Surrealism allows you to express yourself, experiment and create real art.

Keep serious facial expressions to enhance the surreal effect

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

You will notice that in surreal portrait photography, models have similar facial expressions. They may look lost in thought, unsuspecting of the camera and so on. The seriousness of their faces plays an important role: with its help you enhance the surreal effect of the portrait.

A cheerful face in the midst of an unusual landscape in the photograph will look inappropriate. There is nothing wrong with such a combination, it just does not fit the surreal genre.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

The more serious your model looks, the easier it is to make even simple compositions surrealistic. Here are some common portrait examples to use as references. Share them with your model before the photo shoot to synchronize your vision of the result.

Not every expression will fit your theme. Be open to feedback for the model. Feel free to experiment!

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

A simple look up will make your model look as if immersed in her thoughts or looking at something from a distance. When you take profiles, take some photos where the model is looking straight or slightly to the side. As in the previous version of facial expressions, this will create a secret and a sense of continuity. Thus, the facial expression of the model will suggest that your photo has more than it seems at first glance.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

One of the best ways to create pure surrealism is to completely hide the face, for example, asking the model to stand with his back to the camera. You can also ask her to cover her face with a mask, hair or hands. This trick is great for emotional or serene photos. All your model needs to do is close your eyes and slightly open your lips.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

Ask the model to look expressively at the camera. Talk to her, push her into a feeling. This is ideal for close-up portraits. Thus, the viewer will not be distracted by other elements of the photo, but focus on the eyes.

Dark lighting to enhance the story

Gloomy lighting can also enhance the surreal effect. This will help create a certain mood at the beginning of the photo shoot.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

Dull lighting exists in many forms. If you want to use natural light, shoot in cloudy weather. For an even more gloomy effect, you can also shoot indoors when it is cloudy outside.

Artificial lighting will give sharper pictures. This will allow you more control over the atmosphere in the pictures. Artificial light also makes the photographer independent of unpredictable weather changes.

Let the lighting be bright but limited. You can use neon lights or cover any light source with colored gel filters.

How to work with a model, build a pose and frame in surreal portrait photography

Use layers to create a sense of depth and mystery.

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